Busy, Busy Summer! So many fun events. This week I had two events. The first one was another WOW (What's On Wednesday) in St. Charles. The second was a fun filled story time at the La crescent Public Library.
The weather was so very pleasant on Wednesday. If you all remember my first WOW I was literally melting it was so hot. So having a perfect summer breeze and a comfortable temperature was so welcoming. WOW was a back yard BBQ night. There was water wars, great music and of course amazing vendor booths ( like mine :) ) St. Charles did it again and tons of people came out to support the community. Chatting and networking with people is one of the best things. I absolutely love the feed back. Hearing from the community that they were looking forward to coming to my booth. Truly being excited to purchase the children's books made my heart happy. The kids quit enjoy the bookmark decorating. Stickers are always a big hit. I will have one more WOW event on Aug. 9th. At my last WOW I will be featuring my entire Grandma Series. The two new books are Proud Grandma P and Healthy Grandma K. I am beyond excited to have the entire series finished.
A HUGH shout out to my incredibly talented daughter and Illustrator Amanda McCormick. Without her talent I never would have been able to get this dream off the ground.
Starting the dream in March of this year and having 6 books out by July is nothing but astonishing. Talk about a sprint vs a marathon. Being the author is nothing compared to being the illustrator. That is where the magic happens. So I would like to say thank you for putting up with all my crazy ideas and all the hours on the computer. Amanda McCormick you rock!!
My second event this week was story time in La crescent, MN. The plan was to have an intergenerational story time with Springbrook Assisted Living in La crescent, MN. Unfortunately the day before Springbrook emailed me and said that the facility has come down with a stomach bug and was unable to host story time. So last minute change of venue we moved the event to the public library. Everything worked out well. Light turn out but that could have been from the last minute change. No matter we had a blast. We snacked on treats of grandma kisses and grandma hugs. They all took home sensory monkeys to help calm our big feelings. Next they all came in as kids but left superheroes, showing off their superhero poses. We enjoyed a fun craft of decorating bookmarks with stickers that go with all the books and plenty of markers to make their creations pop. I also thought it would be great to decorate a bookmark with "get well soon" on it for the residents at Springbrook. The kids thought so too and were excited to make two bookmarks. After the event I dropped them off at Springbrook along with some treats to help them feel better soon. At the end of the story time event it made me beam with pride that the kids told me they loved the books and gave me big hugs before they left. The icing on the cake was the parents asking when my next event would be. I let them know that I will have a vendor booth at Eyota Days on July 15th and I would be holding a Grandma Series Launch party on July 22nd at the Children's Museum in La Crosse @ 2:30. Where my two new books would be added to the four books I have read today. So exciting! To top it all off the library said my books are getting checked out quit often that's the cherry on top! You can't see it but I am smiling ear to ear. :) :) Livin the dream.
Now you don't want to miss out. Come on out and see me at all these fun filled event . Visit my events page on the website to see all the exciting events that I will be at for the rest of the year. Busy, busy, busy and so much fun!
Keep Smiling until next time :)