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Empty Nest

Empty Nest

Raising a child who is comfortable enough to leave you. Means you have done your job. Learning to let them go into the world and prove that you did your job is tough. Unfortunately your children are not yours to keep. You teach them to be a wonderful human and let them fly.

As a mother you want to speed up and slow down time, all at the same time. You want them to grow up and be babies. The things that drove you crazy are the things that you miss the most. You want a break but miss them when you get that break. Nothing will ever make you as happy, as sad, as tired or as proud as motherhood. For nothing is as hard as helping a person develop into their own individuality. You laugh, you cry, you yell, you sing, you teach, you love and then you let them go. The time goes by so fast.

I appreciate how all my children have grown into funny, intelligent, kind and just all around amazing adults. But, I still miss all those days when all of them were driving me crazy. All the bed times, the messes, the giggles, the sweet little voices, their excitement and wonder. I miss it all. What I wouldn't give to go back just for one afternoon and soak it all in again. To get those two arm, squeezing hugs that just melt your heart.

Time for a new chapter. I won't cry tears of sadness, only tears of joy and pride. My last little bird is flying the nest. Oh and she will soar!

I hope you all know I have had the time of my life raising you. I will never stop being your loudest cheerleader, your call me anytime day or night, your hug when you need it, your safe place in this crazy world, the person who lights up at the sight of you, your best friend, and the one who loves you wildly, without conditions!

Forever and Always

Your Mom

Fly little bird Fly

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