I finished my first vendor event today. It was the Spring Shopping Event at the Lewiston Elementary School. It was coordinated by the Lewiston-Altura Early Childhood Program. For my first event selling my children's books. All in all it went well. I would say for the turn out of people that came it was a success. I featured my 3 published books in the Grandma Series. Wise Grandma Bee, Creative Grandma J and Calm Grandma M. I also had a fun craft of decorating book marks. There was crayons, and markers, stickers that went with the books and stamps. I also offered Hershey kisses and hugs for a treat, with a sign that read "Grandma Kisses, Grandma Hugs." The book marks were a hit all the kids that arrived decorated a book mark. Surprisingly enough the chocolate was not as big of a hit as I would have thought, but the event did start at 8:30 in the morning. Now I enjoy chocolete at any time of day but maybe the kids were not feeling it this morning. Did not sell a ton of books but a few.
Being my first time behind the table I was at a loss on what the etiquette should be? Do I talk up the people that come by the table. Do I let them engage me first? When they do come to the table do I go into telling them all about my books or wait for them to ask? I felt like I was being too aggressive trying to get people to come over to the table. It almost was like a carnival worker luring you in to play the games. Something to think about in the future is to add toys with the books. The table next to me was selling like crazy and she was selling homemade toys. Interesting idea.
I did get to catch up with an old friend from high school. It was so nice to talk about old times and what's new. Funny thing came up when we were discussing the Grandma Bee book. She said she remembered when my Grandma B had a cocker spaniel named Buffy and how that dog never stopped licking itself, like nonstop

so we nick named her Buffy Wieners. I totally forgot about that until today. So funny how those memories just hit you in the face out of the blue and make you laugh. She had such fond memories of Grandma B and It amazes me everyday the amount of people one person can touch in a life time. Makes me smile! All in all a great day.
A great big thank you to my daughter and illustrator Amanda McCormick for helping me today with the event! I could not do all this without you.
Keep Smiling People until next time.