"Mom, can we go to Grandma's house?"
This one simple sentence will send you back in time. In an instant, you will not be present anymore. It will send you far into the past.
When did time slip by so fast? Endless responsibilities and priorities consume life. We all fight for things we are not even sure we genuinely want when, in reality, all we really need to be happy is Grandma's house.
Grandma's house, where simplicity reigns and there are no hands on the clock, nothing is hurried.
Grandma's house, where a simple bowl of homemade soup tastes like the best meal in the world.
Grandma's house, where an innocent afternoon can turn into the most incredible adventure, filled with simple activities, smiles, and laughter.
Grandma's house was where toys were not store-bought but made from pure imagination.
Grandma's house, a magical place where worries are left at the door, and only peace and security exist.
Inside Grandma's house is our safe place, full of the deepest affection, where you are always welcome and loved, no matter what.
That precious gift no longer belongs to me; it now only exists in my memories.
If I could make one wish, one single wish in this whole world, is that my grandchildren feel the same feelings when they ask,
"Mom, can we go to Grandma's house?"
To my Grandma Bee "Tu me manques." which in French means
"You are missing from me"
Until next time friends, stay strong, stay fearless in 2025.
My Wonder Woman Year!
