Super Grandma G
When I was first told that I was going to be a grandma I did what most people do, worry that the title was going to make me old. Just saying the word "Grandma" you think of this little old lady with gray hair and glasses, baking cookies. Then that cute little grandbaby comes Into your life (In my case 4 wonderful grandbabies!) and "BAM" your world turns upside down. The intense love that you have for that little baby is all powerful. I would say way more intense then the love you have for your own children. Not that you don't love your own children but your own children come with all the responsibility and worry that comes along with being a parent. A grandmother doesn't have that part of it, we just get all the fun. A grandmothers love is unconditional, and all powerful. I want my grandchildren to feel like they can fly, or be brave, or strong all because they know I am in their corner cheering them on with all the love in my heart. No matter what I will always be there for them whenever they need me. As far as the "Grandma" title I am loving it! I does not make me feel old at all. All I feel is my heart melt when those adorable babies call me grandma.
As a grandma you know time goes by so fast. There is simply a limited amount of time we have on this earth. It is so important to appreciate the milestones when they arrive . Knowing all to well from your own children how fast they grow up. Savor all the precious moments. My hope is that when my grandchildren look back on their childhood and think of me they think of all the fun, all the smiles, all the laughter. I hope they remember a few things they learned from me. I want them to feel like I feel about my own Grandma Bee. She was not only a wonderful grandmother but a great teacher, my best friend and my biggest fan.
The power of Grandma is real. Just knowing that I am their rock, their protector, their teacher, their biggest fan, their healer, their cheerleader, their best friend, the one who makes them laugh, the one who will do anything for them, the one who loves them all her heart and soul, the one who will make them feel like they can save the world. That's what being a Super Grandma is all about!
Never Fear Super Grandma is here!!
I love you! Graesyn, Riley, Piper and Jamesyn